Our universe began with the birth of a gravitational singularity. Gravitational singularities are born inside our universe following either the core collapse of a massive star, a hypernova, or following the collision and merger of two neutron stars, a kilonova. Fractal geometry tells us that self-similar patterns repeat irrespective of scale. Following this law of mathematics we reimagine the birth of our universe as arising from either a hypernova or a kilonova event. The same pattern repeating itself irrespective of scale.

Originally, before 2021, I was using the idea of a core-collapse hypernova as the causal mechanism. However as I present in my Big Bang Kilonova Hypothesis the resultant large scale anisotropies seen in both WMAP and Planck show the signature of a kilonova. Coupled to this has been the ease at which I am able to answer some of the most fundamental questions in cosmology such as “Why is the universe homogeneous and isotropic?”.

The Big Bang Hypernova Hypothesis tells the story of how and why our universe was born into existence through the lens of fractal geometry. A hypernova, following the death of a massive star, is the single most explosive event inside our universe which follows a very specific pattern of behaviour. Driven by the accelerated rotation of the collapsing star’s core charged plasma induces a solenoid magnetic field which shapes a pair of astrophysical jets. Coupled to this the core collapses so completely upon itself that a new black hole is born.

A self-similar object is exactly or approximately similar to a part of itself and is a common feature of fractal patterns. Scale-invariance is an exact form of self-similarity where at any magnification there is a smaller piece of the object that is similar to the whole.

By studying the single most explosive event inside our universe, a hypernova, we gain a template from which we can understand the greatest of all explosions: the Big Bang. By understanding how the Big Bang’s gravitational singularity was born we look to a hypernova as it is the only template in nature we have in which a gravitational singularity is actually born. Namely, a black hole!

But a hypernova is not the only event that gives birth to a rotating black hole. A kilonova event, the collision of two neutron stars, also gives birth to a rotating black hole. The large scale anisotropies of the microwave sky clearly show a double helix spiral whose origin is located on the CMB Cold Spot. The gravitational waves of a kilonova event clearly show a double spiral whose origin is the point of collision for the two neutron stars. Hence for this and many other reasons that I layout in my latest podcast I present The Big Bang Kilonova Hypothesis.

In my latest work I fully layout the context of defining the Superverse in the context of General Relativity. This allows me to define dark matter as belonging to a subverse and the negative mass of dark energy as belonging to the Superverse; as well as giving answer to the Black Hole Information Paradox. I also explore the perfectly homogenous description of matter that is a neutron star before finally presenting the key papers that solves the mystery of “What exactly are the large scale anisotropies of the Comic Microwave Background Radiation?

Now to the vast majority of cosmologist and physicists the idea of associating an explosion with the Big Bang would be a sign of complete ignorance. The reason being is that the Big Bang produced a fairly homogenous looking universe where the laws of physics are universal. So the chances of an explosion blowing up so perfectly and uniformly are about \(1 : 10,000,000,000^{237}\).

So the idea that the Big Bang was like a supernova explosion is almost a complete anathema to cosmology. This has been extremely fortunate for me as after five years of careful research and mind bending mental gymnastics I have been able to develop a new scientific story of creation whose foundation is rock solid. In totality coming from the wide net I cast in trying to nullify my own hypothesis I can now easily claim to have founded roots into explaining it:

Then beyond this I make reference to a number of physics experiments that hint at potential new physics and their possible applicational use.

The Big Bang Hypernova hypothesis is a work in progress. From an initial vision through to communicating the validity of said vision I have developed a number of films and essays. With each work building upon the other particularly in working towards how to define constructs which I have to define and give name to. My initial attempt I feel really fell short of the mark but I keep it as evidence of the fact of where I began. It is also a record of my thoughts before I had seen the inspirational artwork that conducted the theme of my next piece.

The magic only really began to happen upon first seeing the spherical nature of the Boötes void and in that instant the Big Bang Hypernova hypothesis was truly born. Here into this void of dark energy I could paint a starlike object whose death as a hypernova matched my vision of two universes being born as a pair of astrophysical jets.

Being a vision in my minds eye of a little known subject I choice the medium of film. In what I now call my original thesis I present this vision of my idea coupled with laying out the underlying philosophy of fractal geometry. Painted as a picture of everything I also tell my tale in order to expand into the meta-physical realm because upon my road I have been met with a realisation about our humanity. This is something you have to see with your own eyes and only then will you understand why I choice the logo I now have.

Having gotten a taste for film making my next work is a documentary piece that covers both the history and science of the Big Bang Theory itself.

In my Expansion of Spacetime film I present both the story and the science that eventually led to what we now call the Big Bang theory. From Lemaître’s discovery via Einstein’s equations through to the accidental detection of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation this work tells the story behind the discovery that our universe had a definitive beginning.

Following on from this work I developed my hypothesis in terms of CPT-Symmetry particularly in light of the matter/antimatter asymmetry problem. In this work I introduce the ideas of a twin cosmological model in the context of two jets travelling in polar opposite directions to the other. We review the work of physicist Andrei Sakharov who first developed a 2D-didactic cosmological model in considering both baryon asymmetry and CPT-symmetry. This twin cosmological model has been further developed in recent years by cosmologists Jean-Pierre Petit and Julian Barbour.

In the context of the Big Bang Hypernova Hypothesis using a very simplistic mathematical argument we see how two particles travelling in a helical spiral path away from one another, mirroring twin jet formation, forms a CPT-Symmetric pattern. Then building upon my thesis I next define the idea of the Superverse; explain the origin of supermassive black holes; equate gravity with the electromagnetic force of the Superverse; describe a concentric ringed universe and discuss the X-17 particle experiment. Lastly I present the source of my logo and reflect upon its original author.

The true miracle to arise from making my film came with the accidental development of my first computational model. Using a single magnetic field I produced a particle model showing the formation of a concentric ringed jet. The importance of this is that I am able to demonstrate the concept of my idea in a simple mathematical model. In my essay I describe how to replicate the model for yourself; describe vortices and flatness; see how the model correlates to various features of the microwave sky and start unpacking my gravity equivalence statement.

What is a hypernova?” is the subject of my next essay as I look to properly define my hypothesis. By understanding the pattern of a hypernova we infer its behaviour in describing the Big Bang so in this essay I look to identify those patterns. We start by discussing the life cycle of a star so we may understands its death as a supernova via core-collapse. Identifying accelerated rotation of the collapsing core into a black hole we see how the jets of a hypernova are shaped by the resultant solenoid magnetic field. Again in this essay I further build upon and develop the ideas presented in previous work.

Building upon my computation model I show how the Cold Spot upon the microwave sky is in fact the epicentre of the Big Bang Hypernova event itself. In this essay about the Cold Spot I fully unpack this both in the context of my Hypernova hypothesis and in the context of the Lambda-CDM model.

Having identified rotation as being critical to the formation of a hypernova I finally look at its validity in the context of General Relativity. In this very long essay we see how a rotational black hole gives birth to a pair of new universes via a white hole. Particularly we focus on the work of Roger Penrose and his critical idea of entrapped surfaces of spacetime. We see how a rotating white hole is in effect like a time-reversed vortex such that we may recognise its signature.

Building upon this I carefully pull together everything from my previous works in order to effectively rebuild my full hypothesis from the ground up such that it properly accounts for literally everything. Particularly in explaining Fermi bubbles, dark energy, dark matter, dark flow and the black hole information paradox. Effectively the Big Bang Hypernova Hypothesis gets into the ring with the Lambda-CDM model and in short order completely nullifies it in one word “ringularity”.

But I leave the best to last in this essay. In looking at rotation we see how the large scale anisotropies of the microwave sky is linked to the large scale rotation of the entire universe via the brilliant observational work of Lior Shamir. Then in looking at Jason McEwen’s Bianchi models of a rotating universe we see how his best fit model of the anisotropies show a vortex signature centred directly upon the Cold Spot. We compare this model with actual map of the anisotropies from ESA’s Planck mission. As a single piece of science this is probably where I am going to concentrate future work as this effectively allows me to show that our universe was born from a white hole centred in the middle of the Eridanus Supervoid.

Off course, I am extremely pleased with how I managed to do the illustrations. I once heard an Oxford professor of maths explain it best by saying it takes the creator to tell man how creation was born. But all I see is the knight in plate riding in off the battlefield victorious and shellshocked at discovering what a real life grail quest feels like.

Which was nice!